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日期:2024年09月20日 11:13  发布人:  浏览量:
姓 名:毛娜

院 系:生命科学学院
职 称:副教授
邮 箱:maona0110@163.com
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,深栖类蚯蚓对剖面土壤有机碳的影响机制研究,2024.01-2026.12,国家自然科学基金委,30万元,主持;
2. 4001百老汇会员登录博士科研启动项目,干湿交替下土壤团聚体碳氮分布特征,2023.01-2025.12,4001百老汇会员登录,40万元,主持;
3. 国家自然科学基金地区项目,黄土高原退耕还林过程蚯蚓对森林土壤水分和养分影响机制,2024.01-2027.12,国家自然科学基金委,34万元,参与。

1. Li X.D., Mao N.*, Zhang W.X, et al. Appropriateness of introducing earthworms into sustainable agriculture from the perspective of soil carbon emissions. Soil and Tillage Research, 2024, 237(105961).
2. Mao, N., Shao, M.A., Wang, X., et al. Earthworms regulate plants’ effects on soil microbial nutrient limitations: Examinations with contrasting soils and moisture. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 329: 117061.
3. Mao, N., Wei, X.R., Shao, M. Soil type-dependent effects of drying-wetting sequences on aggregates and their associated OC and N. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 2022, 10: 649-661.
4. Mao, N., Wei, X.R., Shao, M. Soil moisture- and texture-dependent effects of soil deposition on evaporation and carbon emission. Soil Tillage & Research, 2020, 204: 104703.
5. Mao, N., Huang, L., Shao, M. Vertical distribution of soil organic and inorganic carbon under different vegetation covers in two toposequences of the Liudaogou watershed on the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2018, 73: 479-491.
6. Li, X.D. #, Mao, N. #, Jiang, H., et al. Synergistic effects of straw and earthworm addition on microbial diversity and microbial nutrient limitation in a subtropical conservation farming system. Soil & Tillage Research, 2022, 224: 105500. (同等贡献)
7. Wang, Y.#, Mao, N.#, Wang, J., et al. Spatial variability of soil carbon and water storage across loess deposit catenas in China's Loess Plateau region. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 2020, 100: 263-277. (同等贡献)
8. 毛娜, 刘通, 江恒, 李祥东, 程炯, 魏孝荣, 邵明安. 蚯蚓对赤红壤草被恢复影响的实验研究. 水土保持研究, 2023, 30: 70-76+82.
9. 毛娜, 黄来明, 邵明安. 黄土区坡面尺度不同植被类型土壤饱和导水率剖面分布及影响因素. 土壤, 2019, 51, 381-389.
10. 毛娜, 邵明安, 黄来明. 六道沟小流域地形序列土壤碳剖面分布特征及影响因素. 水土保持学报, 2017, 31, 222-239.
11. ]甘淼, 贾玉华, 李同川, 毛娜, 赵明阳. 黄土区坡沟系统容重、饱和导水率和土壤含水量变化分析. 干旱区研究, 2018, 35: 315-324.
